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Account Management
Account Management
For issues related to your FACEIT account
Account Recovery
Forgotten my login details
Disabling two-factor authentication (2FA)
My account has been compromised
GDPR Deletion - FAQ
What is the GDPR?
How can I get clarifications on the privacy policy?
How do I get my personal details deleted on FACEIT?
How do I correct, update, or amend the personal data you have about me?
How do I object or restrict the manner in which FACEIT processes my personal data?
See all 7 articles
ID Verification
Verification FAQ
The Verification process
FACEIT Winline Verification
Accepted Documents for ID Verification
Underage consent FAQ
Golden Verified Badge (VIP)
See all 8 articles
My Account
Changing your email address
Pins & Badges Help Article
Nickname changes and idle nickname claiming
Enabling 2-factor authentication
Changing your account's region and country
Can I have more than one FACEIT account?
See all 7 articles