Setup: Screening

What is Screening?

Tournament Organizers often require additional information to run an event or need a way to communicate an essential topic to the players. It can be very cumbersome for organizers to ask about everything necessary in a straightforward form and in one place. Participants must go through any of the extra requirements off the platform, complete them, and then return. Join screening is built to solve that.

Join Screening allows organizers to pre-screen tournament participants based on a predefined set of steps.

How does it work?

Participants must complete mandatory steps before they can participate in a competition. Otherwise, they will be removed from the tournament once signups are closed. The example below showcases two steps, one optional and one mandatory.

If you (or your team) have completed screening, you will no longer see a message about step completion. You should also see a ‘Ready’ text in the Team’s roster area, confirming that screening is done for your team.

Important: Every participant must complete all mandatory screening steps. If you're organizing a team to play in a tournament, all team members (including substitutes and coaches) must complete the join screening.

In the modal with the join screening steps, all are mandatory unless marked as optional.

Sign-up for 1v1 Tournaments

  1. Click Join Tournament.
    • You'll proceed if you meet all requirements (e.g., skill level, location, game added).
    • If not, complete any missing requirements (e.g., adding the game to FACEIT).
  2. If additional steps are needed, you'll see a message that says, "You must complete a few more steps before you can join the tournament."
    • Click Complete to start the screening process.
  3. Follow the mandatory steps (marked as non-optional).
  4. Click Finish to finalize your screening, and You’re all set!

Sign-up for Team/Party/Solo Tournaments

  1. Click Join Tournament and choose how to join: Team, Party, or Solo.
  2. After joining, team members will see: "You must complete a few more steps before you can join the tournament."
    • New members added later will get this notification as well.
  3. All team members (including subs and coaches) must complete the screening.
    • Everyone on the team will receive a notification if anyone doesn’t finish.
  4. Use the Team roster area to track who still needs to complete the screening (e.g., not marked as ‘Ready’).
  5. Once everyone completes the steps, your team is ready to compete!

Setting up Join Screening

With Join Screening enabled, all players must complete the mandatory steps before joining the tournament. Here’s how you can set it up.

  1. Navigate to Tournament > Settings > Screening
  2. Customize Screening Steps
    • Select the steps players must complete to join, such as:
      • Platform Link: Ensures players use the correct game account.
      • Custom Text Requirements: Add specific instructions or requirements for players to follow.
    • Mark any steps as mandatory (the “Required by all participants” toggle) if needed.
  3. Save Changes
    • Once configured, save your settings to apply the screening requirements.
  4. Once you set up all Screening steps, click on Publish to make them public. Unpublishing steps require players to confirm them again.

Both the ‘Title’ and ‘Text’ fields have full markdown support, which allows you to be very flexible with formatting, add images (also with links), and GIFs. HTML tags and embeds are not supported at this time. So, if you want to include a video, please put a link to it on the external service.

If you don't want your participant to consent to anything in the given step, just leave the Consent field blank and make sure the ‘Required by all participants’ toggle is unmarked.


Q: What would happen to participants who are added to a tournament with a screening after the tournament has started?

They could not complete the screening as screening would be locked at that point. Any screening for such participants would have to be completed manually.

Q: Does screening have to be completed for substitutes and coaches?

Yes, screening has to be completed for both substitutes and coaches.

Q: If a player joins a tournament with join screening, completes the screening, and leaves afterward, do they have to redo the screening steps if they join again?

Yes, all screening progress is reset once you leave the tournament.

Q. What if one player fails to do the screening on my team?

If one or more people fail to do the screening, the team is removed from the event when the check-in time has expired.

Q. Can Join Screening be enabled for the tournament with teams or players signed up?

Sure. You can add screening and setup steps and publish them before signups have started or closed.

Q. Is the Platform Registration step available to everyone with access to the Join Screening?

No. Platform Registration with all the supported platforms is available by request. If you want to try it out, please fill out this form, and we will get back to you.

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