Setup: Inviting Teams

Option 1: Inviting Teams Directly

  1. Navigate to the ADMIN tab and select the INVITES section.
  2. Search for the player you wish to invite.
    • Ensure the player is the team captain of their respective team.
    • The player must also be on your friends list.
  3. Send the invitation to the selected team captain.

Option 2: Sharing a Tournament Link

  1. Navigate to Tournament > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Unpublish the tournament by toggling off the Publish tournament button.
  3. Share the tournament link with the teams you wish to invite.
  4. Once all the teams have joined, go back to the tournament settings:
    • Enable Require Invitation in the Join settings section to switch the tournament to invite-only mode.
  5. Publish the tournament by toggling on the Publish tournament button.

Accepting the invitation

Once invited, the player will see a notification on the Tournaments Discovery page. The player will then be able to either open the tournament page or dismiss the invitation.


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