Super Match Vote-Kick FAQ

What is vote-kick?

Vote-kick is a feature built into CS that allows a team to vote to remove another player on their team from the match. Everyone in the team (other than the player being voted on) must agree to the kick for the vote to pass.

Where can I use vote-kick?

Vote-kick is available in Super Matches and Premium Super Matches, it will not be enabled in the regular queue.

When should you use vote-kick?

Vote-kick should only be used when a player on your team is behaving in a way that may negatively impact the outcome of the match, such as extreme toxicity or griefing.

How do you use vote-kick?

Press Esc > Click on ‘Call vote’ > Click on the name of the player that you want to vote-kick. 

All other players in your team will then get a popup to vote on that they must either confirm or deny.

If there are not enough votes by the end of the timer then the vote will fail.

Can I re-join a match if I have been vote-kicked?

No, if you are kicked from a match you will be blocked from joining for the remainer of the match.

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