Clubs FAQ

What is a Club?

Clubs combine the best of both worlds from Clans and Hubs to allow anyone, from a large streamer to a small group of friends, to create, interact with and grow a community of players.

Using Clubs

Are they clearer displayed than clans and hubs currently are?

Your Club(s) are displayed on the left side bar and are easily accessed with a single click!

Can I invite a friend from outside the Club to play with me in a Club party?

Yes you can! They don’t need to be a member of the Club in order to play, they will be added as a guest until they leave the Club party.

Can I post my Club party on the Party Finder?

Yes! You can post your Club party to the party finder and anyone meeting the party requirements can join, even if they’re not in the Club!

Can I participate in multiple Club leaderboards at the same time?

You can play in as many leaderboards as you want at once, either within a single Club or across multiple Clubs. However, for competitions like Community Clash, you can only represent one club during the competition even if it's a tournament or ladder.

Can I win elo playing in Clubs?

Using Club parties to queue up into matchmaking will result in Elo changes as you are playing in the main ranked queue. 

Partnered Clubs can enable Elo on their internal queues, but this will be different from Club-to-Club. You can check in the queue’s rules page to see if a specific queue will count towards your Elo.

Is there a limit to how many Clubs I can join?
Not at this time, we want to make sure players can experience Clubs and find where they fit the best. It is likely that in the future this is limited. Remember you can only represent 1 club in Clashes.

Creating Clubs

Can anyone create a Club?

From day one, anyone who is verified on FACEIT and wants to start a community or just have a place to easily interact with their friends can create their own Club for free.

Can I convert my Clan/Hub into a Club?

All Clans are automatically converted into Clubs. To get your hub converted into a Club check out this article.

Can I still use my Clan/Hub or are only Clubs available going forward?

Only Clubs are available going forward, but Clubs have all the functionalities that were available with a Clan and a hub in a single space!

What customisation options are available?

You've got plenty of options to personalize your Club:

Identity: Choose a name, avatar, and cover image. Get this identity represented in match rooms.

Roles: Assign different permissions to members and give them special visibility.

Chat Channels: Set up channels for distinct topics.

Club Queues: Organize in-house matches for preferred games and modes.

Get creative and make your Club be unique and perfect for your community of like-minded gamers!

Do any tools within Clubs differ from what was available in Clans/Hubs?

All the tools available in clans and hubs will be available in Clubs along with multiple new options.

Can a club have multiple games and how would this work?

Yes! Clubs will have a main game, but can be set up with multiple games, allowing members to easily keep in touch with their friends from that Club across all the available games.

Some features will only be available for certain games, such as Parties which are limited to only CS2 at the moment.

Please refer to this article to see which games are supported for creating Clubs. Clubs can have any game that supported hubs as the Club’s main game.

How can I create a club?

Anyone can create a hub by going to or hitting the button next to ‘Clans’ on your ‘Play’ tab!

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