My league team will be attending another event, and it conflicts with a league match. What can I do?

Due to the substantial number of tournaments that run throughout the year, it is not possible for teams to forcibly move their ESEA match in all cases where a match in another tournament conflicts. However, an exception can be made for LAN events and for ESL run events.

If at least two players on your team's roster are attending another event, it is possible to get an extension to have your league match played.

ach event is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and a reschedule may not be granted under certain circumstances.

Teams must alert their opponents via the match page comments at least 24 hours in advance of the match's scheduled time in order to have it forcibly moved.

Typically, for LAN events, we allow one (1) day to travel to the event, and one (1) day to travel back. Example, if a LAN event happens from Friday - Sunday, we would allow a team to force away a scheduled match from Thursday - Monday. We may also allow an additional day if the tournament features a media day.

In order to have your match pushed back, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Open a league ticket, with all the information about the event (dates, match impacted, etc.)
  • Post all information about the event (the name of the event you are attending, your leave and return dates, etc.) in the match page comments.
  • Contact the opponent and inform them of the situation.
  • Agree on a new date & time with your opponent

Ideally, the impacted match should be rescheduled before the conflicting match takes place, or before the team travels to the LAN. If the match can not be rescheduled before the conflicting match, it is important that the team with the conflict posts the information about the tournament on the match page so league staff and the other team are also aware.

Failure to follow these steps may result in a forfeit loss. All forfeits set while a team is unable to attend due to a conflicting event will be reviewed by league staff and are subject to be overturned.

Please note, this policy is not guaranteed during season playoffs as match delays can affect following rounds.

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