No invite to DOTA2 match room lobby

Not invited to the match room lobby. What shall I do?

If you’re not receiving an invite to the match lobby after opening Dota2, this means you’re playing on a different Steam account than the one you have registered with FACEIT.


Check "block non-friends lobby invites" is disabled in the game settings

This needs to be disabled or our lobby bots will be unable to invite you into the lobby.


Check which account you have registered on FACEIT

To find the Steam ID connected to your FACEIT account, click on the Steam logo in the ‘Social’ part of your profile. 


Ensure this is the same Steam account you’re currently logged into. If it’s not, you will need to log into the Steam account registered on your FACEIT account in order to play. 

The Steam account I’m trying to play from is correct

If the account you’re playing on is the correct one, you need to follow the steps suggested in this thread on the Steam website to resolve the issue.

When a match is created on the platform and the server is configured, each server receives a whitelist of steam IDs, which are the ones allowed to join the server. The Steam IDs are taken from your FACEIT profile and automatically sent to the server. This safety measure ensures only the players belonging to a given match can connect to the server.

The Steam account I’m trying to play from is incorrect

If the Steam you’re currently on is different from the one in your integrations, you’ll need to log into that account if you wish to play on the FACEIT platform. 

If you no longer have access to this Steam account, you’d need to contact our support team to deactivate your current account, enabling you to create a new account on the correct Steam ID.

 If you still require help click below to contact us directly by email




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