Guaranteed and Priority Matching FAQ

Priority Matching

Priority Verified Matching

What is Priority Verified Matching?

This is a background check that our matcher does to match Verified players together in matchmaking. This means that if you are a Verified player, you will now have a much greater chance to be matched with other Verified players. 

Who can has access to Priority Verified Matching?

Verified Priority Matching is by default, active to free and subscribed verified players, who will now have a greatly increased probability to be matched with and against other verified players,

How does Priority Verified Matching work?

When queueing for matchmaking on FACEIT, if you and your party are verified players, the FACEIT matcher will work to match you with other verified players for an initial period of time when you join the queue. If a match is not found during this period you may then move into a mixed grouping of subscribers and verified players before then being put in a wider pool.

Please note, if you are verified & subscribed, at this time the matcher will prioritize you for Priority Verified Matching,

I’m a verified player, why aren’t I getting verified matches?

This feature is a priority feature and not a guaranteed feature. To get verified matches everytime, you will need to be a subscriber and check the box for Guaranteed Verified Matches in the Lobby as party leader.

Can I turn off this Priority Verified Matching?

Not at this time; however, the team is considering this for a near future release.

Priority Subscriber Matching

What is Priority Subscriber Matching?

This is a background check that our matcher does to match subscribers together in matchmaking. This means that if you are a subscriber - either Plus or Premium, you will now have a much greater chance to be matched with other Plus or Premium subscribers. 

Who can access Priority Subscriber Matching?

Subscriber Priority Matching is active to all subscribed Plus or Premium players, who will now have a greatly increased probability to be matched with and against other subscribed players,

How does Priority Subscriber Matching work?

When queueing for matchmaking on FACEIT, if you and your party are subscribed players, the FACEIT matcher will work to match you with other subscribers for an initial period of time when you join the queue. If a match is not found during this period you may then move into a mixed grouping of subscribers and verified players before then being put in a wider pool.

Please note, if you are verified & subscribed, at this time the matcher will prioritize you for Priority Verified Matching.

Can I turn off Priority Subscriber Matching

Not at this time; however, the team is considering this for a near future release.


Guaranteed Matching (Subscription Required)

Guaranteed Verified Matching

What is Guaranteed Verified Matching?

Guaranteed Verified Matching is an option to avoid unverified players, and make sure your matches only contain verified players instead (both free and subscribed).

How can I access Guaranteed Verified Matching?

Verified subscribed Party Leaders can toggle Guaranteed Verified Matching on from the Lobby page, who will then only be matched against full matches of 10 verified players providing their party also meets the requirements of Verification. Please note that all players in a party must be subscribed to be able to queue up for Verified-only matches.

What can I expect from Guaranteed Verified Matching?

Guaranteed Verified Matching potentially increases your queue time, but by placing you into fully verified matches, it reduces the likelihood of smurfing and other illegitimate active in your matches.

Guaranteed Verified Super Match

What is Guaranteed Verified Super Match?

Guaranteed Verified Super Matches add the balance of Super Matches to the reliability of Verified Matches, giving you, on average, the fairest experience possible on FACEIT

How do I access Guaranteed Verified Super Match ?

Guaranteed Verified Super Matches are available to parties of 3 or less where all players are verified, subscribed, and within similar Elos

What can I expect from Guaranteed Verified Super Matches?

Guaranteed Verified Super Matches combine the two biggest elements available on FACEIT to provide a queue option which is most likely to provide you with a great matchmaking experience, by avoid 5-stacks, and minimizing the impact of smurfs, cheaters, and griefers

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