Can I refund my Premium or League Pass access? ( ONLY)

ESEA offers refunds in the following circumstances:
  • Duplicate payments, eg if someone has used multiple payment methods and managed to set up two subscriptions for the same ESEA account.
  • Inactive players who have forgotten to cancel their renewal agreement and who contact us within 7 days of the renewal date
  • Inactive regions where lack of a critical mass of players means players may struggle to find a game (as long as you have not successfully played a game).
  • Rare longstanding technical issues. For example, if a player is unable to play for a significant period of time due to a rare compatibility issue with their hardware/software that our technical team is unable to diagnose.

    Additionally, we cannot downgrade a 3, 6, or 12-month subscription to a 1-month subscription through a partial refund.

    If you no longer want to use ESEA you should cancel your subscription to ensure that Xsolla, PayPal, or Steam do not keep renewing your account automatically.

If you still require help click below to contact us directly by email


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