FACEIT Banning Policy

At FACEIT, we aim to create an enjoyable, clean, competitive, and respectful environment for all players. To achieve this, we ask everyone to follow our code of conduct . Players who violate the code may be temporarily banned, permanently deactivated or placed on probation. Correctly assigned bans are never overturned, so please read the sections below carefully.

What are bans and how do they work?

A ban is a disciplinary action taken against a player for violating the FACEIT code of conduct, which can result in temporary or permanent suspension from participating in games or accessing your account.

“Cooldowns” are time-based restrictions placed on your account for smaller infractions. While verbal abuse will eventually lead to a ban, such behavior will likely be met first with chat restrictions.

Ban lengths vary based on the severity of the offense and the number of times each user has repeated the offense. FACEIT reserves the right to make changes or exceptions to our banning guidelines on a case-by-case basis, including more lenient or more severe ban or permanent ban than those listed under the Ban Level system.

Why do you get banned from FACEIT?

You will be given the reason for your ban when you try to play or login your account. Bans in this policy fall in three main categories:

  • Toxicity Bans (link to FAQ)
  • Account Integrity Bans (link to FAQ)
  • Cheating Bans (link to FAQ)

Toxicity and Account Integrity bans follow a Ban Level system described below:


Ban Level Typical Application Ban Length (Minimum) Probation
Lvl 1


First Toxicity Ban



1 Week



1 Month


Lvl 2

Second Toxicity Ban
First Account Integrity Ban

1 Month 3 Months
Lvl 3

Third Toxicity Ban
Second Account Integrity Ban

1 Year 6 Months
Cooldown Edge cases that don’t quite warrant a Ban Lvl 1 ban, or players pending manual review 0 days 1 Month


For more details on cheating bans click here.
For more details on our code of conduct click here.
For more details on our Terms & Conditions click here.

How does the "Ban Level System" work?

We are introducing a Ban Level System to provide a clear and structured understanding of the consequences for players who do not reform their behavior. This system ensures that repeated offenses lead to progressively harsher punishments. If a player commits another offense while under Probation, they are automatically escalated to the next Ban level.

Example: A player is banned for harassment and receives a Ban Level 1 punishment. After their ban lapses, they return to FACEIT and, while on Probation, commit a griefing offense. Because they are on Probation from a Ban Level 1, they would automatically receive a Ban Level 2.


Why did I get banned beyond the minimum?

Bans may be placed for longer than the stated minimum at our discretion. Reasons for doing so include, but are not limited to, cases of extreme toxicity, racism, sexism, death threats, or other abuses of our platform’s integrity.

What is Probation, and how does it work?

The probation period is a status applied to players whose ban just expired or who have recently received a warning for violating the platform’s code of conduct. The aim of probation is to give players a chance to improve and reform their behavior, whilst ensuring that bans progressively become stronger for those who don’t change. During probation, the player's actions are closely monitored, and any further violations could lead to stricter penalties, including possible permanent bans. It’s a second chance for players to prove they can adhere to the community guidelines and contribute positively to the platform.

What happens after the Probation period elapses?

Once Probation elapses, your Ban Level resets, and you will be treated as if you were not previously banned.

Example: If you committed a Ban Level 1 offense and were banned, you would be given one month of probation. Six months later, if you re-offend, you would be treated as if it were your first offense and start back at Ban Level 1.

Do toxicity bans always start at Ban Level 1?

While most players' first toxicity bans will be Ban Level 1, FACEIT reserves the right to assign a Ban Level 2 or even Ban Level 3 ban for particularly egregious first-time offenses.

Are all bans on a Ban Level of the same length of time?

No, the ban lengths provided in the table above are the minimum duration for each Ban Level. Different offenses and their severities may result in varying ban lengths.

What is considered a Toxicity Ban?

Toxicity bans include, but are not limited to, the following offenses:

  • Harassment / Toxicity / Encouraging Self-Harm / Spamming
  • Offensive Content (e.g., Nickname / Profile Picture / Cover Photo / In-game)
  • Griefing / Ghosting / Blocking / Team Flashing / Intentional Team Damage
  • Abuse of ticket/reporting system / Abuse of Live Admins / Support

What is considered an Account Integrity Ban?

Account integrity bans include, but are not limited to, the following offenses:

  • Account Sharing / Ban Evasion / Boosting / Ladder Abuse
  • Smurfing / Intentional De-ranking

What is considered Smurfing?

It is considered smurfing if a user is found to be playing on 2 or more active accounts, regardless of the Elo difference between each account.

What happens when a Smurf is banned?

Any smurf account will be permanently banned, followed by an Elo reversion of the last 100 matches played by the smurf. Additionally, the main account associated with the smurf will face a temporary ban, that does not revert Elo but may escalate to a permanent ban depending on frequency.

Cheating Bans

FACEIT is a platform for strategic and competitive play, therefore we take cheating very seriously. If a player is caught cheating, they will be banned for 2 years to protect the experience of other legit players on the platform.

Cheating Ban Evasion

Any user caught evading a cheating ban on a new account will have the new account permanently banned and deactivated after 90 days. The cheating ban of the original account will also be extended for another 2 years.

The Appeal Process

If you believe you have been wrongly banned, you can open a support ticket.

In order to facilitate a quick review and resolution of your case please provide us with all the relevant details.

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