Steam Accounts

The FACEIT Shop Steam Accounts

In order to receive your in-game cosmetics/skins, FACEIT Shop has to trade these to your Steam account. You will only ever receive a trade request from the following accounts:


We will never ask you to send us anything and will only communicate with you via the support tickets or ‘Your Orders > Order Information’.

Setting Up Your Steam Account

All CS2 and Dota 2 orders are sent directly to the Steam account connected to your FACEIT account. Before purchasing any item, ensure. your profile is public and you have the correct trade URL at hand

Before navigating through your Steam account, make sure your Steam verification is set up in advance. 

Making your profile public


  • Go to ‘Privacy Settings’


  • Ensure all of your profile settings are set to ‘Public’


Finding your Trade URL


  • Click on ‘Trade offers’


  • You now want to press ‘Who can send me Trade Offers?


  • You should see your trade URL displayed, you can also create a new one here if your previous one has expired, this is the URL which would be requested on a skin/cosmetic order from the FACEIT Shop.



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