Initial LoL registration

Before You Start Linking

Check Your LoL Region First

  • Navigate to 
  • Log into your Riot account
  • Click the drop down in the top right corner containing your game nickname
  • Your region (EUW, EUNE/EUN, NA, etc.) is displayed under your game nickname
  • You MUST select this exact region during the FACEIT linking process

Account Requirements

Essential Steps Before Attempting Account Linking

  1. Launch the League of Legends client
  2. Log in to your Riot Account
  3. Select your correct region if this is a new account
  4. Play at least one game on your account
  5. These steps must be completed before attempting to link with FACEIT

Important: Skipping any of these steps will cause the account linking to fail

Common Linking Issues

Wrong Region Selected

  • If you get an error due to incorrect region selection:
    1. Close the linking window
    2. Refresh your browser page completely
    3. Start over with the correct region selected

Account Linking Failures

  • Common reasons for failure:
    • Incorrect region selected
    • Account already linked to another FACEIT profile
    • A Riot account is already linked to your FACEIT Profile

Account Linking Restrictions

One Riot Account Per FACEIT Account

  • You can only link one Riot account to your FACEIT profile at a time
  • To link a different Riot account:
    1. Contact FACEIT Support
    2. Request them to unlink your current Riot account
    3. Wait for confirmation before attempting to link the new account
    4. Support ticket must include your FACEIT username

How do I connect my LoL account to my FACEIT account?

  • To connect your League of Legends (LoL) account on FACEIT, first select the correct game from the game settings grid.

  • Make sure to select the same region as your LoL account, otherwise this may cause issues with the connection process.

  • Once the correct game is selected, select ‘connect game’ through the side bar or homepage.
  • Make sure to select the correct region once again through the drop down tab. A modal will pop up and will prompt you to login to your Riot account. Be careful,if you are already logged into a different Riot account on your browser it may log in the wrong account from a different region. To avoid this we recommend using incognito mode when connecting your League Account.

  • Once signed in, your account should be connected and you can begin playing! You should see your Riot ID connected in the sidebar.

Need Help?

If you continue experiencing issues:

  • Contact FACEIT Support
  • Include your:
    • FACEIT username
    • LoL summoner name
    • Selected region
    • Description of the error
  • Screenshots of any error messages are helpful
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