ESEA NA Open - A new approach to conference breakdowns

The ultimate goal of this change is to ensure that we are not thinning out conferences too much with the addition of Open. We will keep an eye on things as the season progresses to ensure that no other changes are necessary. Please note that we are completely open to the idea of bringing back the Central conference. Dallas servers will be available for both conferences, with the more coastal servers being dedicated to their respective conferences. It is very important that teams pay attention to this despite there being a little more flexibility within the server selection process, as these default times will not be adjusted once the season starts.

Details breakdown:

West Servers - Default time 8:30 PM MDT/MST

  • California
  • ESEA Denver
  • ESEA Dallas
  • FACEIT Dallas
  • FACEIT Denver

East Servers: Default time: 8:30 PM EDT/EST

  • ESEA New York
  • ESEA Chicago
  • ESEA Miami
  • ESEA Dallas
  • FACEIT Chicago
  • FACEIT Dallas
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