Contacting live support from a Rocket League match

On rare occasions, it is possible that the match will not be configured or you have finished your match, but the system is not finding the result. 

Who shall call the Customer Support Team?

In order to ensure a quicker resolution of the different issues we only allow Captains to contact our Live Support team. All you have to do is click the ‘Main Title’ on the top right and then navigate to "Support" and then choose the "Live Chat" button from the drop-down menu.


Which information should be provided to the Customer Support Team? 

  • Screenshot of the result.
  • The losing team admits the loss in the match room chat.

How can I do this?

  • You can do this with Steam on your PC using the default ‘F12’ key. Here is an article on where to find these screenshots. 
  • From the Xbox, you can capture the screenshot when you double-tap the ‘Xbox’ button, and then pressing the ‘Y’ button saves the image. Here is an article to show where to find these screenshots.

What will happen when you call the Live Support Team?

Our team will come directly to the match room page and speak to you in the room page chat. They will check your match status and the screenshots you provided them with. The winner will be set according to the evidence provided.



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