Intro and overview of FACEIT Nav & Feature Update


We're improving your FACEIT experience by making it easier to team up with the right people. Our updated parties feature is now simpler to use and lets you customize your preferences, even opening up to the public!

You can find a detailed guide on Parties here

We have also introduced our new Party Finder feature to help you to fill out your party or find a whole new group to play with! More information on this feature is available in this article.


A combination of Clans and Hubs, Clubs, is a new place to find a community that you can enjoy, or build and foster your own!

Clubs have their own social features, queues and ladders that you can participate in and win prizes, or you can find a group to queue up for matchmaking.

A full guide to all the features of Clubs can be found here

Navigation Upgrades

This update includes a large number of navigation upgrades, making improvements to both the performance and visual clarity of FACEIT.

You can see the new UI and changes here, or if you are new to FACEIT we have a beginners user guide available here.

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