OW2 FACEIT League Registration Guide

The FACEIT League consists of multiple divisions:

     EMEA - Master, Expert, Advanced, Open

     NA - Master, Expert, Advanced, Open

     OCE - Master, Open

     SA - Master, Open

Lower Divisions (Expert, Advanced, Open)

Teams are able to register for the league here. All players are required to purchase the League Pass in order to participate. On the league registration page, there will be a prompt to purchase the pass. You can sign up without purchasing the league pass, however all members that do not have the pass will not be able to participate and play matches until the pass is purchased. Teams with less than 5 players who meet the requirements and have the pass purchased will be removed from the League after registration closes. Season 2 registration closes on July 10th 2024, 5:00PM UTC and unpaid teams will be removed at 6:00PM UTC the day after.

While signing up, you are able to select your region. You are able to select the most appropriate region and conference for your team. You can only sign up for one region for a season. You are able to change this between seasons for the lower divisions. For Season 2, your will be distributed into your Division based on your teams performance in Season 1. With the introduction of Advanced division, some of the Open teams will be moved into the new division if they meet the Elo requirements.

Regions and Conferences:

  • EMEA
    • EU Central (Netherlands Server)
  • NA
    • NA Central (US Central Server)
  • SA
    • SA Central (Brazil Server)
  • OCE
    • OCE Central (Australia Server)

Please note that the region you select impacts the region that you compete in playoffs. The conference impacts the regular season only, where the corresponding game servers are provided. You are unable to change regions or conferences once sign ups have closed until the end of the season.

The Open Division Playoffs will be played on the servers below:

NA Open Playoffs (US Central Server)
EMEA Open Playoffs (Netherlands Server)
SA Open Playoffs (Brazil Server)
OCE Open Playoffs (Australia Server)

You need to make sure that you have your full desired roster selected from your team and they all have the league pass purchased. Captains will have a clear prompt of who hasn’t purchased their pass yet.

Any roster additions or changes after sign ups have closed will be subject to the league roster restrictions. Those are outlined in the respective rulebook for the league. If teams do not have at least 5 players with the League pass after sign ups have closed, they will be removed from the event.


If you need any further help regarding the FACEIT League please contact us here and make sure to select the Contact Reason "FACEIT League > Overwatch 2 > General"


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