Season 4 in FACEIT CS2 Matchmaking FAQ

When is Season 4?

Season 4 of FACEIT CS2 Matchmaking will take place from November 26, 2024 to March 30, 2025. Players will have the opportunity to compete and climb the ranks throughout this period to earn exclusive rewards.

What can players earn from Season 4?

For all players who qualify, the top 1000 players in each region can earn a Challenger Rank Badge for their profile based on their final rankings. This badge showcases your achievements and rank at the end of the season, making it a great way to display your skill and success.

How is the badge awarded?

To qualify for a Challenger Rank Badge, players must meet the following criteria:

  1. 50 Wins in the Region: Players must have at least 50 wins in the region they wish to qualify for.
  2. Majority of Games in One Region: Players must have the majority of their games played in a specific region to be eligible for a badge in that region.

For example, if you played 500 games in the EU region and 10 games in the NA region, your badge will be awarded based on your EU rankings since the majority of your games were played in that region.

Why does my badge number not match my final Challenger rank?

A snapshot of player ranks is taken at midnight on the final day of the season. However, your rank might change due to players being adjusted back to their correct region.

What is the Soft Elo Reset for Season 4?

At the start of Season 4, a soft Elo reset has been implemented for Level 10 players above 2800 Elo. This reset aims to balance the competition at the start of the new season while allowing players to retain their positions in the Elo ranking ahead of the Season 3 race.

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